Το Καθεστώς του Γ. Παπανδρέου ακολουθεί ασυγκράτητο τον άκρως επικίνδυνο δρόμο του ‘’δορυφόρου’’ του Ισραήλ ,πράγμα που εγκυμονεί μείζονες περιπέτειες στο άμεσο μέλλον αλλά και άκρως επιζήμιες εξελίξεις στα εθνικά μας θέματα.

Δευτέρα 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Platon and Alexander

...αυτόν τον Platon Elenin
" πόντιο ή Ρωσσοπόντιο ή Λαζογερμανό "
...κολλητό του παπαντρέα και της Merkel των μπατσόκων...
τον ξέρετε..;

- αν ναι να τον χαίρεστε όπως τον παπανδρέα..:-D

- αν όχι διαβάστε
τι αποκάλυψε το wikileaks γι' αυτόν και τον μεγάλο του έρωτα alexander..:

2. (S) In a December 7 dinner meeting with Ambassador-at-Large Henry Crumpton, Russian Special Presidential Representative Anatoliy Safonov welcomed several proposals aimed at extending bilateral counterterrorism (CT) cooperation. Safonov opened the meeting by expressing his appreciation for U.S./Russian cooperative efforts thus far. He cited the recent events in London - specifically the murder of a former Russian spy by exposure to radioactive agents - as evidence of how great the threat remained and how much more there was to do on the cooperative front. (Comment: The implication was that the FOR was not involved, although Safonov did not offer any further explanation.)

Safonov noted the daunting number of countries
that posed particular terrorism threats,
mentioning North Korea, Pakistan, South Africa, Libya, Iran, India, and Israel (sic?).

He described a range of dangers, stressing the more immediate threats posed by nuclear and biological terrorism, but also acknowledging the risks of chemical terrorism. Safonov highlighted coverage of transit corridors as one of the most promising areas of U.S./Russian CT cooperation and commented that the U.S. and Russia should continue to refine this effort.

10. (S) In the course of their exchange, Safonov made the following passing statements:

--Safonov claimed that Russian authorities in London had known about and followed individuals moving radioactive substances into the city but were told by the British that they were under control before the poisoning took place.

Moskau nicht im Litvinenko Mord involviert

Platon Elenin

Platon E Lenin


Platon y Lenin

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